On 4 April 2011 Dunkerque-Port gave a presentation of its Natural Heritage Master Plan. This strategy is fully in line with its Sustainable Development and Action Plan (PA2D) which is currently being implemented.
Approved by the Flora Commission on 19 January 2011 and the Fauna Commission on 7 March 2011, this guidance document serves as a reference for the consideration of natural environments in development projects for the port area. It complies with the National Transport Infrastructure Plan (SNIT) which recommends the drafting of a Natural Environment Management Plan (PGEN) by the year 2013.
After being passed in 2010 by the Regional Scientific Council for the Natural Heritage and approved by the Port’s Board of Trustees, it was ratified last January and March by the National Council for the Protection of Nature.
Dunkerque-Port’s exemplary, proactive drive to acquire a knowledge of the natural life of its territory was stressed. The Natural Heritage Master Plan demonstrates the biodiversity management policy which the Port will reflect in its developments and future management. Biodiversity is no longer considered occasionally in the context of projects, but in a holistic and functional way throughout the territory. Biodiversity “hot spots” have been identified, as well as ecological corridors, the future green and blue belts.