Dunkirk, 11 October 2010: Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque is proud to announce the inauguration, today, of its NFTI (Nord France Terminal International) container terminal.
The event took place in the presence of Dominique Bussereau, Secretary of State for Transport to the Ministry of State, Minister for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea; Jacques R. Saadé, Chair of the Board of Directors of the CMA CGM Group; Michel Delebarre, former Minister of State, MP and Mayor of Dunkirk, President of Dunkirk Urban Community; Jean-Luc Vialla, Chair of the Board of Trustees of Dunkerque-Port; and Martine Bonny, Chair of the Port’s Executive Committee.
Since 9 July 2010 the container terminal has been managed by CMA CGM through its subsidiary Terminal Link, the new majority shareholder. The CMA CGM Group has increased its holding in the Terminal from 30 to 91% by acquiring shares formerly held by APM Terminals. Dunkerque-Port remains a 9% shareholder.
With 1,200 metres of quayside, ultra-modern super post panamax gantry cranes, five gantry cranes of which three are latest-generation, and 700 reefer sockets, the NFTI container terminal offers its customers direct access to the markets of Northern France, the Greater Paris area and Central Europe by road, rail and inland waterway.
Dunkirk is one of Europe’s few natural deepwater ports, and is the ideal choice for maritime operators due to its strategic position on the world’s busiest seaway. Its technical characteristics and its location give it excellent potential for development.
“We are delighted that this terminal has been taken over by a long-standing client of the Port of Dunkirk. With the combined support of CMA CGM and other shipping companies, we intend to develop the terminal’s competitiveness even further and enlarge its hinterland by efficient, consolidated pre-routing and on-forwarding facilities,” said Martine Bonny, Chair of Dunkerque-Port’s Executive Committee.